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Online Ecommerce Solutions

Online Ecommerce Solutions

VevoCart is one of the best online ecommerce solutions you can rely on. It has a lot of features you can select for your ecommerce store.

Effective online ecommerce solution should come with the feature like “SEO”, this can help your store found by internet users all around the world easier.

How can you use SEO feature in VevoCart? Let’s begin with “Google XML Sitemaps”.

Google XML Sitemaps

Once your website goes live, you may wish to submit your website to Google for their search database. VevoCart supports creating sitemap files for informing Google the list of your website pages. The file can contain a list of category URLs, product URLs and content page URLs in your website.

Creating Google XML Sitemaps

To access to this feature, select “Google XML Sitemaps” menu under “Setting” menu in the Admin website.

You can select the settings to be used with this sitemap:

Include Categories –all category pages will be included in XML sitemap.

Include Products -all product pages will be included in XML sitemap.

Include Content Pages -all content pages will be included in XML sitemap.

For each option, you can define item amount per file.

Default Change Frequency –set how often a page may change.

Default URL Priority –set default priority of the URLs. The valid range is between 0.0 to 1.0.

For VevoCart Multi-Store version, you can use store filter for creating sitemap details for each other.

Submitting A Sitemaps to Google Sitemaps

After you create an xml sitemap file, you can submit it to Google using Google Webmaster Tools. The Google Webmaster Tools is a service from Google to provide you with useful status and statistical information of your website. You will first need to apply to this service by browsing to

Once you apply to Google Webmaster Tools, you can follow the steps below:

- Click "Sitemaps" Under "Site configuration".

- Click “Submit a Sitemap”.

- Enter “Export/GoogleXMLSitemaps.xml” in the textbox and then click “Submit Sitemap” button.

- After submitting a sitemaps to Google, the status will still show “Pending”. You can check progress in your account again later. It may take up for a few minutes or a few hours.

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